Department of Military Science & Leadership

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What is Army ROTC?

Army ROTC is the leading producer of Commissioned Officers for all components of the United States Army. The program is available to all full-time Cal Poly students, obligation free.

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ROTC Training

From the classroom to the field, ROTC training at Cal Poly is designed to develop intelligent, motivated, and adaptable leaders for all career paths. The training is tough, you'll be tougher.

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Advice for Incoming Students & Cadets

Are you an incoming Freshman with questions? Checkout a few pieces of of advice provided by our Cadets and Cadre.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Joining the Army is a big step and most rightfully have concerns. Here are some frequently asked questions that may facilitate an informed decision.

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Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is a requirement for all Commissioned Officers in the United States Army and a core element of Army ROTC training at Cal Poly

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2, 3, and 4-Year scholarships that cover tuition and fees or room and board costs are competitively available to all interested Cal Poly students, prospective or current.

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Summer Internships

Cal Poly Cadets have the opportunity to compete for summer internships all over the world that have specific focuses like engineering, medicine, and cyber warfare.

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Ranger Challenge

The Ranger Challenge is an enhanced physical fitness competition between neighboring Army ROTC programs. Events include the PT Test, a ruck march, one-rope bridge, and Hand Grenade Assualt Course.

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Color Guard

Cal Poly Cadets conduct Color Guard duties during sporting events, campus ceremonies, and other off-campus functions. Presenting the Nation's colors is a distinct honor that requires discipline and commitment.

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Cal Poly Army ROTC

Welcome to Cal Poly's ROTC Fighting Mustang Battalion. 

Cal Poly's Army ROTC program will prepare you for success in any walk of life whether that be military service, corporate America, government, or non-profit organizations.

When it comes to preparing for the future, few organizations match the U.S. Army. From day one, you'll be maximizing your potential and getting the confidence, self-discipline, leadership and teamwork skills that will help you in any path you choose in life.

Students who complete the Army ROTC program with the Fighting Mustang Battalion earn commissions to serve as Officers in the United States Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard immediately after graduation. As an Army officer you can expect to serve in exciting and challenging positions leading soldiers in units across the globe.

To help you achieve your goals we offer financial assistance, full tuition scholarships and special programs for veterans. In addition to leader training with hands on experience in managing physical, financial, and human resources, you will receive fun and exciting adventure training, physical fitness development, and will train in basic tactical skills.

Join our Army ROTC program and let us teach you how to succeed in a competitive world both in college and beyond.

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